The difference between barn and full hips

Find out what sort of roof you want. Learn what the difference is between barn hips and full hips on a timber building.
The difference between barn and full hips

We are often asked to include Hips within the roof designs of our Chester Range garages, carriage houses and carports. Some clients may wish to match their house, for example here in Kent we have a lot of houses with Full Hips whereas the Home Counties tend to be more Barn Hips.

You may wish to have a hipped roof to reduce the impact of your new garage or carriage house on a neighbour or the sunlight within your garden. There are many different reasons to have a hipped roof.

Generally they look best on a higher pitch, ideally 35°, ready to take Clay or Slate tiles, but can also be incorporated into lower pitches, should you have a height restriction i.e. planning or permitted development.

Barn hip roof

Here we see an example of a very attractive Barn Hip; this client's roofer added traditional terracotta clay tiles to finish off the look (this client decided not to finish off with soffit and fascia and leave the trusses exposed at eaves height).

Full hip roof

A fully hipped roof gives a different but equally attractive look, leaning the entire gable end in towards the centre of the roof, providing for more tiles and a softer look.

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